Sales & Labor
Retail & Inventory
Forecast & Managerial
Custom Requests
Member Profile & Spending
Cover Reporting
Financial Statements
And more...
Event Profit & Loss
Club Data Services is revolutionizing how private club leaders use data to increase revenue, cut expenses, and make strategic decisions around sales, marketing, and member experience.
Calling on over 40 years of combined experience in the private club technology industry, Jeremy Hoch and Doug Shoemaker have created a convenient data solution usually reserved for companies with expensive, full-time analysts on staff. CDS serves as your "data expert" partner - custom tailoring dashboards that unlock the data hidden deep in your various systems and bring them together into actionable, easy-to-understand insights you can access at any time and from any device.
In short, we have a passion for releasing the potential of your club's data into simple and convenient tools that are always a click or tap away - whether you're in your office, on the course, or in the kitchen. With our combined experience, we can guide you toward the right data strategy for your specific club, then help you and your team implement and maintain those strategies in the most impactful way possible.
We are lucky enough to have worked with some of the best in the club business through the years and have a reputation for providing technology services with the utmost integrity and value. As Club Data Services continues to grow, we maintain a clear focus on releasing the power of your club's data!